# We congratulate Simran Gavri to her bachelor-thesis!
Under the titel "Implementation of an Audio-Chatbot for the Historytelling-Project" developed Simran Gavri a help function for older adults. This Audio-Chatbot should facilitate creating stories. First there was analyzed how an Audio-Chatbot can generate memories due to speacial question and awnser structures. For this purpose there was created a Hierarchical Task Analysis. Hereon was developed a diagramm for varios conversations between the Chatbot and the user. This diagramm was tested for the dialog criteria of Paul Grice (1989). After this developed Simran Gavri a design for the interface including the dialog criteria of the DIN EN ISO 9241-110. With the diagramm of the diverse scopes of conversation and the design of the interface implemented Simran Gavri the Audio-Chatbot and evaluate it with six participants.