# Ending of the bachelor-project about the conception und development of a Webseite fot the Historytelling-projekt
In this project, Carmen Asami, Nathalie Fast, Matthias Neudel, Nikita Sukhanau and Adrian Zumbruch converted and enhanced the Jekyll-based Historytelling website. The realization was done with VuePress. With the conversion of the website by VuePress, a simplified linking of the website and the actual system takes place, since both VuePress and the existing Historytelling-system are based on Vuejs. The aim of the website is to enable older people to find out about Historytelling and to motivate them to use it. Information is also provided to interested researchers. Through this project, the website content is also available in English. In addition to the project description itself, there is a blog on the website for current announcements and a view with the team members. In addition, publications will be announced as part of the Historytelling project. Moreover this group of students developed a BibTex parser that enables efficient integration and simplified updating of research data.